Thursday, August 30, 2012

community involved

It is important to involved young people onto arts, because for young generations it is getting difficult to get them interesting in something cultural, or the idea of understand art does not like them. Genaro Gacia had some student of Cesar Chavez Community School helping with all the process of the mural in honor of Cesar Chavez. That way getting them to know the purpose of a piece of art keep them interesting and involved in arts. Artist has to think in a future but they have to keep in mind that the viewer or customer it is getting too difficult to attract.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

almost time

     Talking about Super Bowl, this event has a lot of logos these depending of the state where the venue is located, some of them make a great effort on creating these logos or maybe because of the time that these where create.  Every logo has something in common are colorful and with a wide typography. Either way people get the feeling of football. I my opinion the logo of Super Bowl XXXIV is a best one because it looks like a 3D and in the middles they represent a goal. The next creative people have a good challenge in order to keep improving the Super Bowl logo.

half time

           TV commercials some times are not good that makes people change the channel as soon as they start. There are different kind of commercials some of them has a good special effects, other are too simple, some jingles get into your head for a few hours. Some of these commercial get artist on them, some are very expensive and others people just dot remember them. However there is always one day that everybody watch any kind of commercials, either to enjoy them, or critic them. These commercial are the ones in the Super Bowl. There are so many of them that it is hard to chose one.
 But if you have a favorite half time commercial let me know.

movie art time

           As in every design there is always a good one and a not that good. If we talk about movie posters there is always going to be a favorite for us. This poster of The Dark Night I really think is a good poster, the reason that I like it is because it is not telling nothing about the movie and gives you a feeling of suspense, because the only thing that you can really see are the typography in the poster, and the logo of batman on the bottom of the posters, in the background is blur joker, and that makes you get the feeling of watching the movie.

What do you think? Which one is your favorite movie poster?

Get a bets cover

          There are moments in life when I ask what happen to music throughout the years. We can notice a music evolution in music that not everybody is not pleased with it but culture make us get kid of use to it. However, not only music has change if you take a look back in the days, people bought albums because of the cover some artists had meaning in their covers, but now because of technology it seems that art on covers is not that important any more.

Take a look of some of the best albums covers. What do you think about them?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

what is this?

A logo has to communicate something and it has to make the customer comfortable in this case to wear it. The 2012 Olympics’ logo has a meaning, but no everybody understands the meaning. There are some speculations about it this goes from conspiracy, secret society, religious etc. I think the 2012 Olympics’ logo it is hard to understand because of the abstract image. This logo instead of inspire people it get them confuse.The main question is, What the creator was trying to communicate?

For you what does this logo means?

bad advertising in spanish

Have you notice that some advertising in Spanish does not grave the attention of the public. The logos or ads that some companies use for the Hispanic community are not as “fancy” as the ones in English. I don’t know why people don’t spend more money or time in their advertizing. Is does not matter who is their target it is important to have a good logo for people to trust a brand or company. This is what we see on tv for car sales.

This is what we see in and sales car ad in english

and this is what most of the time we see in spanish television

what do you thing about the difference in adverting between english and spanish ads?

shopping ad

Out there some stores are getting creative shopping bags to bring people into their stores. Some of the designs are very creative and appropriate for everybody, but not all of them are appropriate to carry them around the streets. These design are different and unique in their designs and themes, for example; sports, cars, etc. in my opinion these are a very good way from the stores to get people attention because probably most of the people is going to buy something in these stores in order to get one of these creative bags.
What do you thing about this way of advertising?
What kind of bags do you prefer?

up side down

         Apple has made a lot of changes in their logo during the years. However the best change that they could make was to put the apple in the right position on the computers, because the logo was up side down, because it was weird to have a computer open and the apple logo was up side down. I think apple should make the computer’s logo in a way that when a person close the computer the logo is in the right position, and when the devise is open it should change the position of it. In other words a logo that moves depending on the position of the devise.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Creative Logo

Google has a very good way to attract users to the web page not only because of the information that people can get from them. During the past two year Google has creating animations that they give to their home page. This doodle are related to different events around the world, some times users does not understand them, and they have to click on the doodle to know more about it. This doodle has animations, music and games; this doodles depend on the celebrations or special events around the glove. I think users enjoy more this doodles while in Olympics because everybody has a chance to play different sports.
Have you check on Google doodles? Which one is you favorite?